15 Pilgrims Test Positive To Coronavirus, 77 Others Missed Flight In Delta


No fewer than 15 intending Christian pilgrims have tested positive for coronavirus infection in Delta State.

The State Commissioner for Information, Mr Charles Aniagwu, disclosed this in a statement on Thursday in Asaba, NAN reports.

He disclosed that 77 other intending Christian pilgrims from the state, due to the delay in the release of the test results by the pilgrim authority, missed their flight.

According to Aniagwu, a total of 315 pilgrims from Delta were to be airlifted to Jordan from the Port Harcourt International Airport to perform their pilgrimage.

“Of the number, 223 eventually traveled as 15 of them reportedly tested positive for the virus and 77 could not travel due to the late release of their test results,” he said.

According to him, the centralized COVID-19 test, ordered by the NCPC, has caused untold hardship to intending pilgrims in the state.

He, however, apologised to the affected pilgrims for the inconveniences suffered as a result of the botched arrangement, while assuring that efforts are on to remedy the situation.


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