DELTA 2023: The Need For PDP Delegates To Save Delta’s Future With Gbagi


Ahead of the primaries particularly that of the governorship of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP), in Delta State, there is need for the delegates to note that policy decisions, and public preferences often entail judgements about costs people should be willing to pay for the benefit of future generations.

Not too far from today, delegates across the 25 local government areas, would take a decision that will shape the state in which our children, and their children, will live.

Gbagi Burial Poster

More than any other leader in modern history, Olorogun Barr. Kenneth Gbagi, understood that a society must bridge divides and work together to thrive.

He also firmly believed that we must strive to leave our children with a safer, more peaceful and more prosperous State than the one we inherited.

He said that “there can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children”.

For all of the divides that we must bridge in this time of uncertainty that has engulfed the State, the most urgent is the chasm that exists between present and future generations.

No doubt, the former minister of education, Olorogun Gbagi, could be described as a “Magician”, because he sees something where others sees nothing. As an individual, in his private business life, he has done what government has not done in many instances.

Thirty four years ago, this Criminologist of repute, sited Robinson Plaza (Deco road and PTI Junction), on a swamp, where people thought was a journey of futility but has turned into a business hub, call it any name you wish, but I call an “Industrial Village’.

It is time for delegates, to change the narrative and do away from”money politicss”, in the name of “they don’t remember us when they enter into offices”, for the sake of the future of our children and those yet unborn. As a young boy, in the 80s, living standard was affordable vis-a-vis security but the reverse is the case today.

The idea of making a cursed fortune in the name of I am a delegate to the detriment of our collective development and wellbeing and later weep that the government of the day is doing nothing, when you have eaten your tomorrow, should be jettisoned for the right thing and right persons to be voted into the right offices.

Hence, Chief Shimite Bello, the former Executive Assistant to the Delta Governor and Coordinator Delta UNIDO Centre and Export Initiatives cum Delta State House of Assembly (DTHA), aspirant under the platform of the PDP for Oshimili North State Constituency, Chief Mrs. Shemite Bello, charged delegates to see beyond the immediate benefits they would derive and elect the right person that would change their fortunes and that of their children and children unborn.

“Do not remove them from the problems the country is facing. As the king makers, the onus is on them to choose the best for people to support in the field. Before the people can get their candidate, the king makers who are the delegates must decide who the king will be

“You know that one, two or three of us has not been greeting you since, you know that since you knew them, they have never empowered you but now they have sweet mouth as if they even put something on their tongue before they talk to you and then they bring you the kind of money you have not seen before.

“But somebody for the last eight years have been consistence in making sure people get what they need, you can find the person’s track records and beneficiary and you went to choose anti-christ and you want the anti-christ to change?

“A lot of the delegates choose what they can get now and cry tomorrow. Anything you are stock with, is what the delegates gave you. The delegates should understand now that everything is not about money. There’s nothing the masses can do, it is what they give you that you now work with”, just as she called on the delegates to look out for her consistency, adding that power belongs to God.

Also, Amb Japhet Philip La’abes, in his call on delegates said: “Time and events have ushered us into yet another critical moment of history as we look forward to party nominations of candidates for the 2023 general elections. As you prepare to cast your vote in the soon coming primary elections, think about the next generation and not instant gratification.

“Reflect on the future and not the now, think about shared prosperity, think about widows, orphans and vulnerable people, think about US not “I”. Vote for people with the requisite competence and character to make the system work for you.

“Take heed that no money bag politician lead you astray. Remember that your choice of candidates can make or mar our future.Together we can change the narratives for the common good of our people. God bless you more.
Yours in the search for a better candidate”.

Another person who spoke passionately to delegates, is, Ediri R. IDIMI (UBIOMOR).

According to him, Delta has complex problems with lack of industries to provide jobs and wealth opportunities for Deltans. The lack of industries to provide job and wealth opportunities for Deltans has resulted into insecurity, poor social infrastructure development, poor standard of education, poor quality healthcare system, extreme poverty etc.

“To solve this problem, the Government of Delta State has to make Industrial Development the priority of Delta State. The Government has to carry out the Delta Industrial Development Master Plan (DIDMP) with an objective to create the enabling environment to attract private investments and industries to Delta State that will create jobs and wealth opportunities for the people of Delta State.

“When there are industries that create jobs and wealth opportunities for the people of Delta State and increase the revenues of the State, then there shall be security, standard education, quality healthcare, improved social infrastructure etc.

“To attract investments and industries, Delta State has to develop Industrial Cities, Agriculture Development Cities/Plantations and major capital projects for industrial development. These are the right environment needed to attract the investments and industries that will create jobs and wealth opportunities for our people.

“To solve these problems of Delta State, we need knowledgeable person with the right qualifications and experience. Most importantly, we need someone with private sector experience, business experience and an industrialist.

“A wise decision is needed now to avoid any costly mistakes. No sentiments will solve the problems we face but votes on someone with the capabilities to solve these problems”.

Gbagi, the largest private investor in the state with businesses spread across the globe, is in touch with foreign partners that are capable of investing in the state that would catapult our Internally Generated Revenue, engage our youths, reduce insecurity and place Delta in a glorious State.

Gbagi, has come with industrial plan, well mapped out in each local government area. The entrepreneur equally has clean records. No credentials turbulence, he is not wanted by the metropolitan police, he has nothing to do with forgery.


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