DELTA 2023: DSP Omo Agege Not A Match To Olorogun Gbagi


The coast is now clearer at least for onlookers in Delta state that the politics of Governorship of the State 2023 is now squared.

Let me run through the two parties (APC and PDP) from very unbiased point of view, leading on the APC platform by known grassroots followers is Chief Great Ogboru who has the grassroot support for the APC in alignment and team up with the likes of Victor Ochei, Cairo Ojougboh from the North and the host of other major supporters of the party on one side. Otega Emerhor even though covered up with a face as though he is not disgruntled as he is on the ground has a serious beef with the DSP as well.

Gbagi Burial Poster

But the fact regards to the leadership of the party not on ground but in Abuja most probably will give the party ticket to DSP Omo Agege if that happens, one of the following scenarios may play out;

1. As a result of annoyance the likes of Victor Ochei, Cairo Ojougboh who has the same political godfather with the strong man of PDP may all move to support the PDP candidate at the General polls.

2. On the part of DSP, with all the loads he has to carry from the slashing of the maize, to court cases abroad (fraud), suspension from the practice of law in America, to a number of legal battles ranging from the killing of the man who actually carried the maize on his behalf to conceal all information that are neccessary, there is a whole lot plus the fact that the Uhrobos today have decided a no-no mistaking manner that this election being the turn of Urhobo, they must produce an Urhobo son without colouration.

And If that is the case then obviously, they are pointing out to only one in the platform that has a father and mother full blooded Urhobo people unlike DSP whose father is Urhobo, mother is itsekiri, the wife is calabar too many colourations plus the fact that he took over Egbe (juju worshippers) that has stayed away all Christians, Urhobo traditional rulers and the masses of Urhobo youths who are strongly against the gimmicks of non Urhobos taking their slots, Great people of Delta today are not squared up for that.

So in the race under APC are the likes of Great Ogboru, Ovie Omo Agege who is likely to muscle himself to get the ticket, Otiga Omero, the current Minister for Labour on the other side, a lot there makes the APC ticket/success at the polls uncertain, shaky and very unlikely given the fact that APC is not on the ground in Delta State as it is notoriously the case. That is of the APC side, it will take forever to be able to settle squarely what APC is likely to come up with.

3. On the PDP side, the coast is getting clearer and cleaner with one of the greatest political scientist of our time (Dr. Sen Arthur Okowa) at the helm of affairs of PDP in the state, it is clear that close to two years ago a business man, (Olorogun Barr. Kenneth O. Gbagi FNIM) one who has untainted record, with him name cast in gold worldwide, the only visible business investor who believes in the State by action of his investment, one everybody can trace to his home town, trace to his father’s grave, trace his mother’s grave, an Urhobo man from Ugheli South to be precise Oginibo paternally and maternally from Jersey making him a very undiluted Urhobo man too,  a businessman with a clean record, I quote the former Gov. Emmanuel Uduaghan in one of his press statement while in office that “if Deltans were to have two persons of the likes of Gbagi, Delta would have been a greater and better place”.

One who has Investment to show in the State unlike any of the other candidates who have nothing, not even the sale of groundnut but people who only come to milk the State, make money from the State, take the money to Ghana, Dubai and else where in the world at the expense of the State thay has left the State in a sorrow State, begging for help, development, and a place good enough for the teaming masses of the youths to see as their own.

All other candidates, none of them have any business sense, a situation that is definitely not what Delta State that is crying and yearning for businesses today and for industrialization wants or Wishes for that can generate or put employment or food on the table of Deltans which makes them completely if not totally disqualified from this race.

So presently,  Gbagi stands to be the only viable Governoship candidate for both the APC and PDP if election is to be held today.

Immediate sacked Chief of staff, Olorogun David Edevbie

According to Cherryl Media, however, the likes of a touted name of David Edevbie who has cases in London and cannot enter London for fear of been arrested owning to part of the money that has been returned to the country for several money laundry cases, presence as in Isoko man to claim Urhobo to Dubiously come from the south Senetor district dubiously to take the mandate of the Urhobo people that have been taken for granted for years.

The entire Afisere people of Ughelli north who had been bribed with little penny’s to accept that the father be buried in Afisere, leaves the Isoko people very very unhappy, describing him as a man who has lived a fraudulent life, notoriously since 1999 till date.

The forging of late president Yaradua’s signature on the doctrine of necessity that saw the frisking of the treasury of Nigeria, a file with the SSS and the EFCC ready to continue with the investigation leaves him and his dream a dead case on arrival.

Immediate sacked Commissioner for Justice and Attorney General, Barr. Peter Mrakpor

In the case of the former Attorney General (Peter Mrakpor) who is now renowned for diabolical use of children for rituals to retain power as was seen a couple of days back in a forest with some children he was purportedly feeding with groundnuts before his final disgraceful exist from reckoning.

One that is known to play on the intelligence of women. Dumped his first wife, married Juan to gain political mileage, used her to to build his first house at home, made him Attroney General of the State and after his perceived arrival as a big man, decided to divorce the woman, pregnated the younger sister of his wife, who was given to him to employ in the ministry of justice, notorious to have relationship with virtually all the magistrate and State council Female (in the State).

It was also a known fact that he was behind all the plans of the strong man’s sex scandals, using some of his girlfriend’s to orchestrate that dead evil plan. One that has released over one hundred plus different types of criminals in the State making Delta the highest criminal den, during his tenure as the head of the justice ministry regrettably. A situation. Government realized too late.

But it is better late than never. Cannot even win on his merit any vote in his ward talkless of the local government. People who saw him lately Stated how empty he was to tell you that such people who have no political, economic family relation as ties are useless.

Immediate sacked Commissioner for Warks, James Augoye

James Augoye; who was one time a local Government Chairman, norminated by professor Onyewere who has denied sponsoring him for governorship has nothing that makes him qualify to imagine him wanting to be a governor of a complex State like Delta it that he can lay credence to is a notorious fact that he collected between 5-7 and in some cases 10% kick back in all the contracts that was awarded during his tenure as commisioner for 6 years.

What is beautiful with today’s banking/EFCC, ICPC, SSS is that any kobo not transparently earned would be spent on either through cronies contractors in whatever form is traceable and at the appropriate time Deltans will be shocked at the revelation, arrest, detention and exposure of the looters of the treasury of the State.

Long serving Senator representing Delta South Senatorial District at NASS

James Manager; who the Ijaw nation traditional rulers are earnestly waiting for to bring part of his loots that has been in the senate for about 24 years. Former commisioner for works in the Era that is being investigated by the British camp police who has just been seen on social media kneeling down for the former Governor Chief James Ibori.

Thinking that it is the usual game of gun battle, irresponsible agitation and money laundry. Indicted to have stolen 300 contracts from NDDC. Awarded to himself in fictitious names and cost 200 of those contracts to be fully paid for to him.

Buhari and the system have set him down for criminalization and falsification for him and all those companies used. Including those loots and properties in Dubai.

It is revealed that he is using part of the money’s to slow down his arrest and detention which inevitably must happen. He started by using part of the loot to send 50,000 each to delegates and the names of those delegates are being compiled by security agencies.

Protest letters have flooded The Security agencies to throughly investigate all icandidates without exception to stop criminals from hijacking governance in Delta State playing on the poverty and greed of the people.

DSP Omo-Agege and PDP’s leading governorship aspirant, Olorogun Barr. Kenneth Gbagi

In summary it is the general focast that the contest will be Ovie Omo Agege of the APC and Olorogun Gbagi of the PDP that will make Delta State a very interesting contest, whilst a lot has been done by groups of persons to stop the man once tagged as the rarer of lions. PDP is definitely retaining their strong hold of the State without fear of favor.

Whist the APC has no single structure on the ground they rely on the use of security agents to muscle the State, but trust the criminologist to spring surprises as on lookers watch development in that great backward State of Delta so far apart from Campagne of calumny, the lawyer/criminologist is renowned to be blemish-less very unlike most politicians in the State. The record that has set him 80% ahead of all other candidate in the State.

It is a definite victory for PDP in what I consider a limelight of an election in favour of PDP!

Source: Cherryl Media (


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