MINISTERIAL SLOT: Urhobo Group Slams Itsekiri’s Ambition


As various ethnic groups in the Niger Delta are jostling for the appointment of their kinsman as Minister, the leaders of the Urhobo Patriotic Assembly in Delta state has slammed their Itsekiri counterpart over perceived tactics of Petition, simply because President Tinubu Nominates two Urhobo’s for a Ministerial appointment.

The Urhobo Patriotic Assembly (UPA), in reaction to a Petition against one of her own, Ms Stella Okotete, a Ministerial Nominee, “read that she needs to be qualified” is laughable, to set the records straight! Ms Stella Okotete deliverers, her Delta Central Senatorial seat, Ugh/Udu federal Constituency seat and as well delivered Ughelli North Constituency 1 & ll to APC, those seeking for her disqualification should please show Nigeria’s their Polling Units score cards, let’s Nigeria’s be the Judge.”well, for the ministerial position, contrary to the claim by Some Itsekiri leaders , its ‘falsehood and their misinformation’ on Stella Okotete, who is a brimming light of the RE-NEWED HOPE in Delta State and a shining star lady in Nigeria.

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UPA, in a statement signed by Dr. Richmond Omoruvwie and Utuedoye Akpobrise, Chairman and Secretary noted that Itsekiri’s do not have that local standi to decide who to be appointed by President tinubu.

“that Stella Okotete merit the appointment and she delivered during the elections, she is a walkaholic, she contributed to over 80 per cent of the successes recorded in Ughelli North during the last elections

We are surprised our Itsekiri neighbour has not imbibed the palpable change the Tinubu era has ushered in! Advertisement for ministerial appointment, Stella Okotete is most suitable and qualify for it as she really works hard and deliver true democratic dividends to her constituency in particular and the nation at large

It is worthwhile to note that ministerial appointments are based on several factors, which include, intelligence, capacity, experience, political clout and a host of other factors. Ms Stella Okotete has over the years as the Executive Director of NEXIM Bank, proven herself as a technocrat and we certainly believed that going by her track record, she is eminently qualify for whatever portfolio she would be assigned.

We therefore in our patriotic interest call on the Federal Government and the National Assembly, to discountenance any call to reject Ms. Stella Okotete ministerial appointment as such call was made mala fide and should be seen as such as we have also uncover that 95 percent of the petitions against her nomination were cooked by evil elements who are not happy with her rising political profile


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