LIBERATE DELTA: Gbagi Takes SDP Campaign To Market


The Social Democratic Party (SDP) in Delta State, formally flag-off its campaign ahead of the March 11th 2023 general elections in the state, as the Governorship candidate of the party, Olorogun Barr. Kenneth Gbagi OON, led the SDP campaign trail to Obiaruku Market in Ukwauni local government area to canvass votes for the party.

The largest private investor in the state who was accompanied by his Deputy, Chief Mrs Oshilim Ishioma Rosemary, the National Vice Chairman of the party South-south, Elder Fred Owotorofa, the State Chairman of the SDP, Ambassador Oke Idawene, among others, spoke to traders and buyers on the need to vote the Social Democratic Party, to liberate them from the bondage of the ruling Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) in the state and the All Progressives Congress (APC) before proceeding to Evidence Motors by Amai Road with the SDP trail to flag off the campaigns.

Gbagi Burial Poster

While at the market with his colleague traders, Gbagi FNIM, the owner of Robinson Gbagi Plaza, identified with the jubilant traders, their customers and passionately canvassed votes for his governorship ambition and other candidates of the SDP.

He urged them to come out en masse on March 11th 2023 to vote for the SDP with horse as its symbol.

The SDP flag bearer went round the market and thereafter proceeded to Evidence Motors where party stalwarts, supporters were already gathered for the party’s campaign rally.

Received by the State chairman, Ambassador Oke Idawene JP, and other party leaders, Gbagi, the former minister of State for education, also urged the people of the area to vote massively for the SDP in the forthcoming general elections by casting their votes where the logo of the horse is in the ballot paper.

The renowned Criminologist assured the people that the candidates of the party, including himself and his Deputy would serve them with the fear of God.

He thanked the people for accepting to support the SDP in the coming elections.

Addressing the mammoth crowd at the campaign ground on December 14th 2022, the political juggernaut, said: “it will interest all of you to know that we have curbed the market.

“While PDP is putting up pretense that they are going to ward-ward, we are going to our brothers, sisters and mothers in the markets and the promise, the love and the acceptability of the oldest party in Delta, shows a milage.

“It is with this party, Olorogun Felix Ibru, won governorship. It is with this party that has given Delta State free education from the primary school to the University level.

“It is this party that has laid down a 15 years programme as to how our children, youths and everybody can have gainful employment.

“We promise that as we takeover May 29th 2023, we will restore free education to every Deltan. Let nobody deceive you, demand for what is yours. This State has a lot of money.

“In this state, I will teach them how to look for money and tap into it and how to make money to educate our people. I will put our people in a better State.

“With immediate effect, we will start putting electricity in every home in this local government. All we need from you, don’t let them deceive you again.

“They have deceived and lied to us enough. We cannot eat, get employment, our children went to school, no work and Fulani herdsmen have chased us out of our farmlands. It is enough!

He charged them to obtain their Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs), “gathering here is one thing, get your PVC. They will come with money, it is your stolen wealth, take it and vote for SDP.

“It is taxpayers money, they don’t have money of their own before now. Let them show us where they pay tax, their businesses to be able to erect the billboards. Resist the temptations of the mad men and vote SDP.

“Let us be friends to the expatriates we are going to bring to this local government, they will come and do farm and industries. We will have to employ all of you. Every youth from this local government, on my assumption in office May 29th 2023, I will pay every youth that is not employed.

“Because it is not their fault that they are not employed but the failure of government not to have put in an enabling environment. Our people go to school but they have no jobs. No company because all the companies have ran away because of the failure of government. I will pay all of you N30, 000 from that day”, Gbagi declared.

Also, the Deputy Governorship candidate, Chief Mrs Oshilim Ishioma Rosemary, called on her people to vote for SDP come 2023, saying that her principal, Olorogun Gbagi, would support small scale businesses to grow.

Earlier, the Vice Chairman of the party, South-south, Elder Fred Owotorofa, said the former Chairman, Legal Aid Council of Nigeria, would move the state forward and turn things around for the good of the state.

“Roads will be fixed, hospitals will be rehabilitated, schools will function, there will be employment, industries will be revitalized. Vote Olorogun Kenneth Gbagi”, he stressed.

Similarly, the State party Chairman, Ambassador Oke Idawene JP, who christen the Campaign as “Hurricane Gbagi”, presented the Deputy governorship candidate to the people, just as he said the governorship candidate selected her carefully to fit into the SDP mission of liberating the state.

“Gbagi is incorruptible, he is made in life and will not deep his hands into the state treasury. Ukwauni should stand for him, your own and all SDP candidates”, he pleaded.

The Director General, Olorogun Gbagi Campaign Council, Prof. Jiff Mokobia, said: “We have come to Ukwauni, we have seen and we have conquered. Ukwauni has been in tsunami.

“This is the template of what we want to do. We have come here to take over Ukwauni. PDP and APC have come and they have deceived us. Your own daughter is going to be the Deputy Governor 2023, vote for SDP”, he added.

Another speaker, Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in Ukwauni local government area, Prophet Kenneth Almuna, who spoke on behalf of the association said CAN, PFN, CPFN have adopted and endorsed Gbagi as their sole governorship candidate come 2023.

The CAN chairman who was represented by Dr. Iyomere Michael, CAN Secretary, Ukwauni LGA, said “I want to call on all the body of CAN for all to come out and vote for SDP. This is the voice of CAN.

“All Christians have adopted Olorogun Barr Kenneth Gbagi for governor. When the disciples were in one place with one mind, the Holy Spirit decended, I know he is a man that can never be corrupted, he has given employment to people and I know he is going to do more if he is governor”, he declared.


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