LIBERATE DELTA: Gbagi Receives Rousing Welcome In Oginibo, His Hometown


The ancient town of Oginibo in Ughelli south local government area of Delta state, was agog as the governorship candidate of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and former minister of State for education, Olorogun Barr. Kenneth Gbagi, OON, stormed the community in a grand style.

The largest private investor in Delta State cum owner of Kenneth Gbagi Foundation, with which he has touched thousands of lives, arrived the community on Saturday October 29th and Sunday October 30th 2022, to empathize with his people over the ravaging flood and to give palliative to cushion the effect of the disaster on them.

Gbagi Burial Poster

Olorogun Gbagi, a selfless philanthropist whose house was equally affected by the flood, had gone round the community and its environs for an on the spot assessment of the situation, to know how to adequately provide for his people and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in various camps.

The venue where the internationally recognized Criminologist was received, was besieged by indigenes, well wishers and political associates in the state to felicitate with their leader.

Thousands of well wishers and supporters received him and his entourage in company of the Social Democratic Party’s South-south Vice Chairman, Barr. Elder Fred Owhotorofa, the Deputy Governorship candidate of the party, Chief Mrs. Rosemary Ishioma Oshilim, the Delta Central Senatorial Chairman, Comrade Mike Dugbo among other teeming supporters into the community, jubilating.

Similarly, dancing troops predominantly young women and children entertained the largest private investor whom they nick named ‘Abuja Daddy ” and his entourage with thrilling music and fascinating dance steps to the admiration of the crowd.

Addressing the mammoth crowd, Gbagi, told his people that it was the turn of Oginibo, to produce the successor of Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, come 2023.

“Today, is a great day for me however, I have not come to equally campaign. When the time for campaign comes, those who think they have what it takes to govern Delta should come out.

“This is the turn of Oginibo, no one born of a woman can stop me. Everyone of you should be prepared, don’t be afraid. The turn of Oginibo can not be taken from them”.

Continuing, elated Gbagi, told his kinsmen and women that at a time in the country, he was the youngest lawyer and chairman of the Legal Aid Council of Nigeria, where he brought sanity to the system.

“As big as Nigeria, your son who was the youngest lawyer at that time, was made the Chairman of the Legal Aid Council of Nigeria.

“As big as Ughelli south and Urhobo nation, it was your son that was called and appointed minister of State for education. This month, I am not an APC or a PDP member. I am a member of SDP, but president Muhammadu Buhari, who knows that I am from Oginibo and have contributed immensely to the development of the country and the only governorship candidate in Delta who he gave a national honours award of OON.

“Oginibo, is lucky! Charity begins at home. Please, when you see the symbol of SDP, which is the horse, thumb print on it. Go and preach the good news to your brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, friends and everyone that they should thumb print on the horse”, he explained.

Speaking at the occasion, SDP South-south Vice Chairman, Elder Owhotorofa, who spoke on behalf of the National Chairman, Alhaji Shehu Musa Gabam, appreciated the community for the massive endorsement and support Gbagi, has enjoyed from his own people.

“Remember that in this crowd, we must liberate Delta State. We must put this kind of crowd in all the 25 local government areas for Delta State to crown their son by the grace of God as the incoming governor of Delta State.

“You will do so by casting your vote. Make sure you have your PVC. Make sure on the day of the election, you go there and vote the white horse.

“You will not see the name of Gbagi but you will see the white horse and it means Gbagi for governor. With your friends in all the 25 local governments, vote for our own, Olorogun Barr. Kenneth Gbagi, OON as the governor of Delta State come 2023”.

In same vein, the Deputy governorship candidate who is also the Deputy Chairman of the SDP Campaign Council, Chief Mrs Oshilim, said Gbagi, a former Chairman, Legal Aid Council of Nigeria, would bring unprecedented speed in the development of the state.

“Oginibo people, good news has come and the good news, is Olorogun Barr. Kenneth Gbagi. He has brought great opportunity to all of us.

“This is the right time for us choose the right leader. Gbagi is the governorship candidate of SDP. The time has come for women to come in their large number. Come out, your PVCs will speak.

“Come and support our father and leader, we need your support and that of the youths. We can assure you that your votes will count because rigging in election is now a thing of the past”.

Also speaking, the Delta Central Chairman of SDP, Comrade Mike Dugbo, told Oginibo indigenes that they were fortunate to have someone like Olorogun Gbagi, who is a rallying point worldwide.

“The time has come for Oginibo sons and daughters to give their son Olorogun Barr. Kenneth Gbagi, their support.

“You people are fortunate because our governorship candidate for SDP is from Oginibo. So, you people should grab this opportunity because the time has come for Oginibo and Delta State to be liberated.

“All of you with PVCs must vote for Olorogun Kenneth Gbagi and the symbol you will see during the election is white horse and that is SDP. You people must vote for the white horse.

“The white horse stands for living things. The other parties are not living things, is it not better we vote for a living thing? He asked.

He used the opportunity to present the party’s flag to the President General of the community as a sign that Oginibo, has embraced the Social Democratic Party, with the mandate to liberate the state come 2023.

Highlight of the visit was the distribution of palliatives to the community especially those mostly impacted by the flood.

Items distributed include Bags of rice, bags of beans, bags of garri, cartons of indomie noodles, detergents and toiletries to mitigate the negative effect of the flood.


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