Isoko North Begins Distribution Of State Government’s Palliatives


Isoko North Local Government, at the weekend began the distribution of the first tranche of Delta State Government palliatives meant to cushion the effect of the removal of fuel subsidy on the people of the state.

Supervising the receipt and distribution of mini-trucks conveying the 696 bags of rice to be shared among the 20 wards in the local government, in his residence at Emevor, the Isoko North coordinator of the project, Dr. Barr. Paul Oweh, thanked Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori’s government for the initiative.

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He assured the people of equitable distribution of the items to the ward coordinators who will immediately pass them on, to the people.

According to Oweh, the state government through the State Palliatives Committee, had earlier handed over to the councils a template for distribution of the items which they have passed to the Ward coordinators for compliance.

He said each of the 20 wards in the LGA would receive a total of 33 bags of 50kg rice, even as more items are been expected.

The coordinator emphasized that part of the distribution strategy include the targeting of heavily impacted people, consisting Persons Living With Disabilities (PLWDs) and widows while some would be for poor and vulnerable households as well as the aged.

“On behalf of Isoko people, i thank our dear Governor for this gesture. The people of Isoko North are happy to receive these items. Even as we hope for more to come.

“I am assuring the state government and the people of Isoko North of proper accountability as the ward coordinators are persons of trusted character”, he said.

Vice Chairman of Isoko North, Chief Frank Ozue, thanked the governor for the kind initiative and assured that the palliatives would be equitably distributed and put to good use by the people.

“We thank His Excellency, the Governor, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori for this kind initiative. The palliatives have come at the right time.

“I want to assure that the rice and every other item to be supplied would be distributed equally to the 20 LGAs. Everything will be put to good use to the benefit of all “, he declared.

Reacting also, the Senior Special Assistant to the State Governor on New Media, Comrade Palmer Ogheneyole, who monitored the exercise in Isoko North, said the items were for all Deltans irrespective of party affiliation, religion, ethnicity or creed, urging the ward coordinators to follow the distribution guidelines.

“This initiative is in line with the Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori’s policy thrust of putting the interest of Deltans ahead of any other consideration.

“The Governor has consistently stated that he is a Governor for all and that his policies and programmes will at all times, positively impact Deltans in one way or the other. In view of the foregoing.

I am stating here emphatically that no one should be exempted from these deliveries on the ground of party affiliation.

“The palliatives are for all Deltans and every coordinator from the state to the unit must follow the already designed distribution template for optimum delivery”, he said.


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